
Facility Working hours
Outpatient  9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon
(Monday to Saturday)
Laboratory tests – 
Direct Smear examination 
Culture for AFB (including laryngeal swabs)
Drug Sensitivity for AFB
9.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. (Monday to Friday) 
9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon (Saturday)
Mantoux Test 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon
(Monday to Saturday)
DOT Centre of NDTB Centre 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon
(Monday to Saturday)
Special clinics (TB and Diabetes, HIV and TB, COAD) 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon
(Monday to Saturday)
Library facility for students 9.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M.
(Monday to Friday) 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon